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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Black bear gets new home in Squamish area after downtown Vancouver foray, Dec 14, 2011

Vancouver police assisted conservation officers in helping remove a bear that was found in a dumpster near Georgia and Cambie streets in the downtown Monday afternoon.
"NORTH VANCOUVER -- The adventurous dumpster-diving black bear who was discovered in downtown Vancouver Monday afternoon has been given a new home in Squamish.
After spending the night in a steel bear trap at a BC Parks compound on Mount Seymour, the bear was towed in the trap behind the conservation truck Tuesday up the Squamish Valley Road, where it was released.
"There's salmon running in the streams right now so there's lots of food and there's good denning sites nearby. It will give the bear the best chance of survival," said conservation officer Alexandre Desjardins, who tranquilized the bear Monday and helped transport it."

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