WASHINGTON | Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:25pm EDT
(Reuters) - Most elderly Americans covered by the government's Medicare insurance program will see a smaller-than-expected rise in their monthly premiums next year, health officials said on Thursday.
Standard premiums for Medicare Part B, which covers doctor visits, outpatient services and some home healthcare, will be $99.90. For most Part B beneficiaries, that means paying just $3.50 a month more, compared to the $10.20 that was expected."

(Reuters) - Most elderly Americans covered by the government's Medicare insurance program will see a smaller-than-expected rise in their monthly premiums next year, health officials said on Thursday.
Standard premiums for Medicare Part B, which covers doctor visits, outpatient services and some home healthcare, will be $99.90. For most Part B beneficiaries, that means paying just $3.50 a month more, compared to the $10.20 that was expected."