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Monday, 7 November 2011

INDIA TODAY - US dismisses claim of Osama's death within 90 seconds of raid : Americas News, Nov 07, 2011

Osama bin Laden

"The US on Monday dismissed a claim by a former American elite commando that al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was killed in the first 90 seconds of the covert May 2 operation in Pakistan.
"Those facts are incorrect," Pentagon spokesman George Little told reporters while responding to a question on the latest book by Chuck Pfarrer, a former Navy Seal turned novelist and screenwriter, claiming that bin Laden was killed by the US forces in the first 90 seconds of the operation.
"Neither (of the two helicopters) landed on the roof of the compound (in Abbottabad, as claimed by the Pfarrer.) As all know, one helicopter had a bad landing and the other ended outside the walls of the compound on the ground," he said during an off camera briefing here.
"It took more than 90 seconds to break through the walls of the compound and it took several minutes to find and kill bin Laden. It was not 90 seconds," said Little, who was the spokesperson of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) when the operation to kill the top terrorist took place."

THE DAILY MAIL - How two women's breasts were rebuilt following a mastectomy - using part of their thigh, Nov 07, 2011

Round breasts that project almost horizontally.There is considerable variation in a the volume, shape, size and spacing of a woman's breasts.[9] They vary in size, density, shape,

"Whole again: Vikki bouck-Stamdem can't believe how natural her breasts look For Vikki Bouck-Standen, who was just 26 when she was given the devastating news that she had breast cancer, a double mastectomy was simply ‘a pragmatic decision’. The operation – complete removal of both breasts – is the most extreme option, but also the only way to ensure the cancer never returns. While lifesaving, it is an operation that many women fear will leave them ‘defeminised’. But having lost her father, Ian, to bone cancer six years before – when he was 52 – and her grandmother... more »"

WORLD News - Iran, U.S. and Ethical-Religious Reasoning, Nov 07, 2011

File - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, clenches his fist from his car, as he attends a rally marking the 32nd anniversary of 1979 Islamic Revolution, as people hold posters of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Iranian flags, in Azadi (Freedom) Street in Tehran, Iran, Friday. Feb. 11, 2011.

"Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling.
In his classic study "Suicide" (1897), French Sociologist Emile Durkheim coined the term anomie. Anomie derived from the Greek word "lawlessness" and according to Durkheim, it was "the lack of moral consensus and normative control in society, resulting from a breakdown of traditional authority." Since then, anomie has been used by Sociologists to describe the disintegration of social controls and ethics, specifically in modern industrialized societies undergoing major transitions. Sociologists observed individuals, including political leaders, who no longer felt accountable to each other nor constrained by traditional and moral constraints. They believed this kind of extreme narcissistic behavior and egotistical elitism led to the breakdown of social contracts and interpersonal relationships and bonds. Anomie also caused insecurity and alienation, even suicide."

NZ HERALD - US election: Cain's explosive new sex claim, Nov 07, 2011

Republican presidential candidate, Herman Cain wipes his forehead before answering questions at a press conference last week when he was already facing questions about his past. Photo / AP

"A woman says Republican presidential contender Herman Cain reached under her skirt for her genitals and pushed her head toward his crotch in July 1997.
Sharon Bialek has just told reporters in New York that she met with Cain to ask about getting her old job back at the National Restaurant Association when the incident happened in Washington.
At the time, Cain was chief of a restaurant trade group.
Bialek says that, when she asked Cain what he was doing, Cain said, "You want a job, right?''
Bialek appeared with her attorney, Gloria Allred, at a news conference in New York.
Cain, one of the Republican presidential front-runners, had downplayed previous allegations of sexual harassment as anonymous attacks.
He now has a woman who has come forward to directly accuse him of improper behavior.
The Cain campaign has issued a statement this morning saying all harassment allegations are 'completely false,' and he's 'never harassed anyone'."

REUTERS - Market Indices, Nov 07, 2011

All American Indices

Data as of 7 Nov 2011. All quotes delayed at least 15 minutes.
SymbIndexMkt ReportTimeLastChgChg %
.DJIDow Jones Industrial AverageView4:30pm EST12,068.39+85.15+0.71%
.IXICNasdaq Composite IndexView5:30pm EST2,695.25+9.10+0.34%
.NYANYSE Composite Index6:06pm EST7,590.43+38.20+0.51%
.TRXFLDUSPThomson Reuters Equity US Index6:00pm EST114.71+0.59+0.52%
.TRXFLDCAPThomson Reuters Equity Canada Index6:00pm EST236.95+1.19+0.50%
.TRXFLDLAPUThomson Reuters Equity Latin America5:00pm EST412.93+5.37+1.32%
.NINNYSE International 100 Index6:06pm EST4,764.84+19.96+0.42%
.NTMNYSE TMT Index6:06pm EST5,665.83+34.49+0.61%
.NUSNYSE US 100 Index6:06pm EST5,515.03+40.29+0.74%
.NWLNYSE World Leaders Index6:06pm EST5,267.53+31.74+0.61%
.GSPTSES&P/TSX Composite IndexView4:34pm EST12,461.98+53.73+0.43%
.XAXAMEX Composite IndexView6:06pm EST2,311.87+13.15+0.57%
.IIXInter@ctive Week Internet Index ADJ6:06pm EST298.70-0.06-0.02%
.NWXAMEX Network Index6:06pm EST238.83-2.33-0.97%
.XMIAMEX Major Market Index 905 to 10006:06pm EST1,316.35+9.63+0.74%
.XOIAMEX Oil Index6:06pm EST1,252.06+9.76+0.79%
.XALAMEX Airline Index 300 TO 3956:06pm EST33.96-0.17-0.50%
.QQVQQQ Volatility Index6:06pm EST25.09-0.44-1.72%
.MXXMXSE IPCView4:07pm EST37,024.61+335.23+0.91%
.IPSAIPSA Indice de Precios SelectivosView27 Oct 20114,316.82+149.51+3.59%
.BATSKBATS 1000 Index4:00pm EST14,383.47+70.74+0.49%

 European Indices

Data as of 7 Nov 2011. All quotes delayed at least 15 minutes.
SymbIndexMkt ReportTimeLastChgChg %
.TRXFLDEXPUThomson Reuters Europe (ex UK & Ire)1:35pm EST126.55-1.24-0.97%
.TRXFLDEEPUThomson Reuters Em Mkt Europe12:30pm EST322.82-2.46-0.76%
.TRXFLDGBPThomson Reuters Equity UK Index2:00pm EST101.88-0.38-0.37%
.TRXFLDDEPThomson Reuters Equity Germany Index2:00pm EST106.62-0.74-0.69%
.TRXFLDFRPThomson Reuters Equity France Index2:00pm EST97.60-0.62-0.63%
.FTSEFTSE 100 IndexView11:35am EST5,510.82-16.34-0.30%
.GDAXIDAX IndexView11:45am EST5,928.68-37.48-0.63%
.FCHICAC 40 IndexView11:48am EST3,103.60-19.95-0.64%
.SSMISMI IndexView11:30am EST5,645.96-13.87-0.25%
.SMSIMadrid General Index11:36am EST849.84-14.02-1.62%
.OMXSPIOMX Stockholm All Share Index11:30am EST302.27-5.24-1.70%
.OMXHPIOMX Helsinki All Share Index11:30am EST5,673.84+25.10+0.44%
.OMXC20OMX Copenhagen 20 Index10:59am EST364.81+2.29+0.63%
.OSEAXOslo Exchange All-share Index12:15pm EST442.46+4.77+1.09%
.ISEQISEQ Overall Index12:00pm EST2,665.13+0.59+0.02%
.AEXAEX Amsterdam IndexView12:10pm EST299.75-2.22-0.74%
.BFXBell 20 IndexView12:10pm EST2,080.86-1.15-0.06%
.IBEXIbex 35 IndexView11:35am EST8,476.40-120.00-1.40%
.BVLGPSI General12:08pm EST2,273.59+2.61+0.11%
.STOXX50DJ Stoxx 50 ETFView2 Nov 20112,266.11+14.59+0.65%

Asia/Pacific Indices

Data as of 7 Nov 2011. All quotes delayed at least 15 minutes.
SymbIndexMkt ReportTimeLastChgChg %
.TRXFLDJPPThomson Reuters Equity Japan Index6 Nov 201165.57-0.14-0.22%
.TRXFLDHKPThomson Reuters Equity HK Index4 Nov 2011221.11+0.00+0.00%
.TRXFLDCNPThomson Reuters Equity China Index4 Nov 2011268.50+0.00+0.00%
.TRXFLDINPThomson Reuters Equity India Index4 Nov 2011579.11+0.00+0.00%
.N225Nikkei Stock Average 225View6 Nov 20118,767.09-34.31-0.39%
.HSIHang Seng IndexView6 Nov 201119,677.89-164.90-0.83%
.AORDASX All Ordinaries Index27 Oct 20114,403.90+103.10+2.40%
.KS11KOSPI Index6 Nov 20111,919.10-9.31-0.48%
.FTSTIStraits Times Index6 Nov 20112,848.24+0.00+0.00%
.SETISET Composite Index6 Nov 2011956.02-1.29-0.13%
.JKSEJakarta Composite6 Nov 20113,778.24-5.39-0.14%
.PSIPSE Composite Index4 Nov 20114,271.72+0.00+0.00%
.KSEKarachi SE 100 Index4 Nov 201111,957.30+0.00+0.00%
.SSECShanghai Composite Index6 Nov 20112,509.80-18.50-0.73%
.TWIITaiwan SE Weighted Index4 Nov 20117,621.72+0.00+0.00%

Africa/Middle East Indices

Data as of 7 Nov 2011. All quotes delayed at least 15 minutes.
SymbIndexMkt ReportTimeLastChgChg %
.TRXFLDAFPUThomson Reuters Equity Africa Index11:35am EST290.11+3.55+1.24%
.TRXFLDZAPThomson Reuters Equity Sth Africa Index12:00pm EST462.73+8.77+1.93%
.JALSHJSE FTSE All Share Index10:00am EST32,514.38+597.36+1.87%
.TA100TA 100 Index9:44am EST1,009.42+2.68+0.27%
.XU100ISE National 100 Index4 Nov 201156,180.24-342.53-0.61%